A few weeks ago, Bud Light did a partnership with Dylan Mulvaney and in hindsight It was probably one of the more catastrophic mistakes the company could have made given the average consumer of the product (males) and the intended target of the ad (women). But many of the takes I have seen on twitter revolve around the idea that Bud Light was (in effect) trying to normalize a mentally ill man pretending to be a women, and that beneath all this was this push to confuse young people and cause disorder and sterilization, all because of critical theory or something like post-modern neo-marxism. Some of them are outright conspiratorial involving Blackrock and stuff like that. But BudLight already has a high ESG score. There are no bonus points when you have an A+. They didn’t need to do this. So why did they?
The answer is simple. This is not successor ideology (sorry Wesley!), this is not post-modern neo-marxism, this is not lysenkosim, or Critical theory, or whatever you want to call it, it is feminization. Brands that once catered to males, are now inexplicably catering to females for reasons that don’t make sense financially, but they make sense within the way women organize themselves. Characterized by maintaining consensus, avoiding conflicts, empathy for the vulnerable and egalitarianism, these manifestations of feminization are indistinguishable from wokeness’s diversity, equality and inclusion. They are euphemisms of each other and essentially mean the same thing. It does not mean that all women are woke. In some settings they are not (in fact the opposite) and and there is overlap. But there is enough distinction in that if you find a girl from a coastal city (or any big western city) who is college educated, wealthy, there is a good chance that she is left wing/ liberal and supportive or complacent on trans-issues but more importantly for this essay, she espouses social constructionism.
When the VP of marketing at BudLight talks about getting rid out “out of touch fratty” humour, to make the brand more inclusive, what she effectively means here is that they want the brand to appeal to women. The commercials under her tenure testify to this mission. Just take a look at this commercial for yourself and try not to laugh. This is even more funny when you have worked in restaurants. The idea that it is in anyway impressive for a women can carry five pint glasses can only exist in the mind of bourgeois women only eats in restaurants and never worked in one.
In the case above, we have a young women who is doubted by the world but amidst all the nay-sayer (all men) she does not falter. She confidently carries the glasses to her table earning the respect of all, including a serious looking black man. It is undoubtedly a commercial meant to appeal to the sensibilities of women who feel neglected by the world. It feels like a dove commercial.
It is an interesting juxtaposition. A male brand appealing to women. Because one cannot imagine a makeup company to doing the same. Imagine an axe-style commercial meant to get men to wear mascara from L’Oreal to get pussy in the same vein as those Axe commercials in the 2000s.
For all this talk of what is a women, advertiser are keenly aware that men and women perceive advertisements differently. For example, a women may feel self-conscious when looking at an add of beautiful women. Notice how many underwear ads now consist of women who are fat, obese and sometimes black? It’s not a coincidence. You get the ugliest chick on the block most the women won’t feel self-conscious and may be more incline to buy the product being advertised. Wether that is true or not is irrelevant. It is the logic of the feminine.
So why is this occurring? It is simple.
The institutions of our culture are being feminized as a result of changing gender demographics and increasing leftism in younger women— wokeness is merely a symptom of that process. Exacerbated by the Trump administration, and social media, the last ten years have seen institutions feminizing themselves not only to appeal to women (the largest consumer demographic) , but because women themselves are a major part of these organizations and they are enforcing their norms onto them. If you are wondering why a particular institutions is woke, take a look at the people who make up the institution. I have yet to find an institution dominated by well balanced heterosexual males which is woke. There is a reason wokeness is not popular in economics. It’s because there are practically no women in that field. Take a look at Pediatrics. They are at the forefront of pushing procedures which have the potential to sterilize children and it is dominated by women.
But it gets even more complicated. Social constructionism is rampant amongst these people as a sort of coping mechanism for an inferiority complex. If George Floyd is a guide, these people believe that the reason black people are in prison more often is not because blacks commit more crime, it is because society is racist. The maternal mind of the young women is incapable of thinking otherwise unless she is afflicted with autism. The reason is not because she is stupid, although that may be the case, but it is because of the same qualities we look for in a potential partner: empathetic and caring to the vulnerable. But in this day and age with luciferian feminism and social media fueled crazes, it has changed into a much more aggressive endeavour especially as it relates to social constructionism. Unless you say that blacks are smarter and that women are better, one is expected to believe that the gender expressions one observes or the high black crime rate is primarily a result of society i.e white people, in particular white men. I once heard a psychiatrist explain to me that the reason why men have better visual spacial ability is because they play with legos and because legos are created and marketed for men, it is reinforcing gender stereotypes and causing the discrepancy. Imagine spending all of those years in medical school so that you can live in denial.
In the bloody aftermath of BudLight, one would think that other beer companies would steer clear from the treacherous waters of “the culture war” and navigate towards calmer sea’s: funny immature commercials, like it is always been done. Yet despite all of this, Miller Light, another beer company somehow manage to do the unthinkable. Because again, the issue is with the demographics. Amidst the collapsing sales of Bud Light, Miller Light decided to step in with a “best a man can get” type of diarrhea inducing cringe, again to appeal to women. But here is the problem. According to a study done in the UK 37% of women never drink beer, 28 percent drink 1-4 beers once a year and 35 % drink beer once or twice a month. Only around 17 % of women drink once a week or more which is, oddly enough, similar to the proportion of men who buy makeup at 11%. Yet we don’t see a push to masculinize these makeup brands.
These people genuinely believe that the reason why women don’t drink beer is because they have not been advertised to. The reason why women don’t drink beer is because society doesn’t want them to. If only this process worked when my mother told me not to smoke pot. Which brings forth many problems. Why is it that these commercials depict unpleasant women as a means of appealing to women? Does this actually work? And secondly how stupid do you have to be to think that the former is the case. If women weren’t drinking beer in the 90s, or for most of human history, they aren’t going to start now. Sorry Judith Butler, but biology primarily explains these discrepancies.
“But the higher ups wouldn’t allow them to loose money, they have fiduciary—” you say.
These companies are loosing money because some of the higher ups don’t have the stomach to confront bad ideas probably in effort to make women feel included and avoid a lawsuit. Think of Netflix and Dave Chapelle or Spotify and Joe rogan. No company wants a staff revolt, nor do they want a reputation for being transphobic, sexist and or racist. This might be the cost of doing business. A recent example was an ESPN show called Van Talk that was cancelled after two episode. Why were they cancelled? They had “a mutiny of all their female talent.” Joe rogan might be popular enough to prevent cancellation but not everyone has that luxury. You can watch the video here. You can see the soul being sucked out of one of the hosts which I think is a good display of what most of us feel like whenever they encounter this shit.
To get back to the beer, The VP of BudLight probably thought it would be a good idea to get a transperson to represent the brand. Dylan has 11 million followers after all in a female dominated platform. It is a no-brainer, they probably assumed. I guarantee that someone in that office knew this would be disastrous, but said nothing because a) they didn’t want to look like a trans-phobe in front of their colleagues or b) look like a mysogenyst for saying the obvious, that women don’t have the same proclivities for booze as men and that trying to get women to drink beer is an exercise in futility, especially when younger men (your target demographic) are consuming less of it in favour of a green plant.
As much as one recoils at these displays and wonder what the fuck is going on, this is not first time something like this has happened and it won’t be the last. Because the problem again is that the institutions themselves have changed and the transformation guarantees that that everything will be feminized.
Just look at Twitter? Vice? Star Wars? Lord of the rings? Video games, Gillette? Canada? Miller Light? Books? Film? News? Politics? Everything has become feminized. Everything is done to appeal to the coastal educated white women and all of the stupid sensibilities she developed from her isolated up bringing in which she was pampered and praised. This partly explains Trumps appeal. He disregarded every feminine norm put in place and women and men became hysterical when the tactics of old did not work to sway Trump or his base. Despite the grab em by the pussy, the Mexicans are not sending their best, ban the muslims, despite the sexual assault charges, all things that would torpedo any man and bring him to his knees begging for forgiveness he prevailed, simply because he dismissed them without any sense of guilt or embarrassment.
“This was locker room talk!”
“The wall just got ten feet higher!”
So what do we do with this? To be honest I am not sure. I remember last year, a student from McGill was doxed as a rapist in an open letter that received 50 000 signatures demanding action from the school. The man (who is black) had to leave the country. When I asked my friends why they didn’t go to the police, I was screamed at. Funny enough, a few months before that, many of these same women, in response to George Floyd, shared memes about lynching and it is sort of hilarious how they could not see the irony in what they were doing.
But I think part of the solution is identifying the problem. Sure there are commies in university who are pushing social constructionism. But in my opinion, these are symptoms of the change that occurred as a result of demographic changes, technology and Trump. I think that women have co-opted these beliefs because it fits within their psychological paradigm. I don’t think the VP of BudLight was doing this because she read Gramsci I think she did this because her feminine personality and genuinely wanted to create an inclusive brand.
It may take these companies loosing millions of dollars before they get the message. That allowing women to feminize these products under the guise of equality will be a disaster for them. I am not confident given about the prospect, but at least we will know what the problem is.